Thomas Memorial Library Foundation Committees
- ANNUAL APPEAL COMMITTEE: Kim Swihart, Chair; Gilbert Brennan, Tyler Patterson, and Catey Draper.This committee conducts the annual appeal that is mailed to all 3,500+ households in Cape Elizabeth. The committee’s specific duties include:
- Development of the annual appeal letters, an insert on the way funds have been used in the past and a remit envelope.
- Organization of two mailing lists, prior donors list from the Foundation’s data base and other households from a purchased mailing list.
- Contracting with printers and securing the non-profit mailing permits.
- Hiring and supervising data base contractor.
- Recording donations in the Foundation’s data base.
- Depositing donations in the Foundation’s account.
- Mailing acknowledgement letters to the donors.
- Developing a list of donors who grant permission for the Foundation’s website.
- The Naming Rights Coordinator works with individuals who would like the naming rights to a room or a step, the Library Director, and the Town’s Facilities Director. While most of the rooms were named during the 2014-15 Capital Campaign, there are still a few rooms and a number of steps available.
Communicating with donors and the public on the benefits their donations deliver.
- OUTREACH COMMITTEE: Jeff Mitchell, Chair; Kristen Homicz; Lisa Leighton. This Committee focuses on connecting with current and future library patrons and donors. Major vehicles for Outreach are the Foundation’s website, Social Media, Library programs and events, and the Cape CourierAn integral part of Outreach is sharing true stories about how the Thomas Memorial Library has made a difference to library users, following the American Library Association’s suggested approach.The committee members identify potential stories from people they know and by attending programs. If a patron agrees to share their story, the committee member interviews them and then drafts the story. It is sent to the patron for review and revision and eventually final approval. Then it is sent to the Library Director for edits to ensure that all mention of the library programs is accurate.The committee follows guidelines outlined in the following complementary resource materials:
“Advocacy and the Power of Narrative: Storytelling as a fundraising tool”
by James LaRue, American Libraries Magazine. October 23, 2018:“Stories Worth Telling” A Guide to Strategic and Sustainable Nonprofit Storytelling,”
by J. Dixon. Meyer Foundation. 2014“What Great Salespeople Do: The Science of Selling Through Emotional Connection and the Power of Story”– by B. Zolda and M. T. Bosworth, McGraw-Hill. 2012. For an illustration of using this approach for a library story see:
- On the Foundation’s website: STORIES FROM LIBRARY PATRONS
- In the Cape Courier once per month, typically the second issue. Search the Cape Courier at Look for “Our Library: Making a Difference”
Long-term funding for future building needs.
- FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ADVISOR: Geoffrey Alexander, the Foundation’s longest serving member
- A portion of the annual appeal funds go into the foundation’s endowment.
- Up to 4 percent of the end of the year balance can be used for annual programming and continuing education if necessary.
- All new naming rights donations go into the endowment fund.
Recruiting New Foundation Directors.
- RECRUITMENT COORDINATOR: Gregg Frame with all committees and members.
- Most new Directors first become volunteers on one of our committees and then are nominated to join the board.
- Some positions call for special skills and are nominated directly.
- Suggests topics to the President for the full board meetings;
- Annually recommends membership for the standing committees after consultation with individual members;
- Coordinates the work between the standing committees;
- Encourages each standing and/or ad hoc committee to develop written plans of work and responsibilities (RACI models) to ensure that work goes smoothly within and between committees;
- Suggests ad hoc committees when necessary;
- Develops a recommended annual Foundation budget for the full board to vote on at their January meeting;
- Recommends the annual amount to grant to the Library Director for funding programs and continuing education of his staff;
- Sets standards of reporting on how the funds granted to the Library Director for programs and continuing education are used; and
- Provide leadership in recruitment, in cooperation with standing committees and all other Foundation Directors.
The Foundation is recruiting members who are both passionate about our library and have the experience and skills needed to implement our priorities.
Tyler Patterson, President; Gregg Frame, Vice President; Derek Converse, Secretary; Gilbert Brennan, Treasurer.
The Executive Committee meets as needed between the bimonthly meetings and has the following roles:
The Town Council Liaison is appointed by the Town Council on an annual basis. Due to many responsibilities of town councilors, this liaison position is not expected to serve on another committee as is the case for all other members.
LIBRARY DIRECTOR (ex officio): Rachel Davis
Provides regular reports on the library projects implemented with Foundation funds and other issues.